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The Ultimate Train Travel Guide in Germany

Our MOST POPULAR travel product!  

This step by step train guide goes over all the fine details within the Deutsche Bahn railway system.  We have simplified the fundamentals of train travel in Germany to a convenient digital pdf document.  

This ultimate guide will educate you on proper train etiquette, build confidence in your ability to navigate the train system, and will help relieve stress when preparing for your next adventure.  

For best use, download the guide to your phone and take it with you on the go!  

This is a living document so as rules change, we will continue to update and improve this guide in the future.  Customers who buy the product will always have access to the latest version.

Who is this for?

This guide is for ANYONE new to traveling by train in & out of Germany.  We created this for anyone with anxiety about traveling by train in Europe, or for anyone that needs a "kickstart" to the German train system.   

Inside you'll learn about:

- The DB (Deutsche Bahn) app

- Types of trains in Germany

- Tickets & fares (2nd & 1st Class, Seniors, & Kids)

- Special fares (Deutschland Ticket, Bayern Ticket, City Ticket)

- Seats & comfort

- Train amenities

- How to plan & prepare for your trip

- How to book tickets

- How to read timetables

- How to board the train

- Useful German words & phrases (translated in English)

- Passenger rights (for refunds/compensation)

**Additional Resources:

Full Train Travel in Germany Youtube Tutorial

**Purchase Instructions:

Enter the amount you want to pay (minimum €29.99), then click "Add to cart"

**If DTV has helped create a positive travel experience for you, and you'd like to financially support his platform, you can donate more in the amount box or use the code "$DTVcashtag" on Cash App.  Your donations help Daniel create more valuable content for you and your family.  Thanks!

**You may need to go to the top of the page and click the "shopping bag/cart icon" then click "Checkout"

Enter your email and click "Buy now"

DTV Daniel Television
PCS Prep | Travel | Local Resources

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